BraineRS Academy’s Math Tutoring Program supports student learning from Grade-1 to Grade 8 on topics straight from the Ontario curriculum from Patterning and Algebra, to Measurement and Data Management and more. We provide them with work from textbooks directly used by the schools. This way, your child’s learning will be parallel to what they are taught in school and will give them the opportunity to be ahead in math too. In addition, our teachers will teach your child how to analyze math questions, the techniques and strategies to help understand how to approach math questions and the steps needed to solve them. We utilize a proven methodology that provides initial assessment, continuous evaluation and customized learning plan to help each student acquire math skills necessary to succeed. We offer both Online Math tutoring and classroom Math tutoring.
Course Curriculum:
- Patterning and Algebra
- Number Sense and Numeration
- Measurement
- Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Data Management and Probability
BraineRS Academy’s Math Skills Program endeavor to develop a solid basis in the four fundamental arithmetic operations: additing, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. These concepts along with word problems and times table makes students ready for learning grade level currulum math. Our well qualified and OCT certified math teachers provides students support and encouragement, as well as math help that will develop important foundational math skills in students for life! Our program is designed for students of all ages wherein a student does lot of practice until the required speed and accuracy is attained.
Course Curriculum:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Division
- Multiplication
- Times Table
- Word Problems and quizzes
- Time and Money
- Online math tutoring
- Unique math placement test covering math curriculum and core math skills
- Flexible Schedule
- Classroom math tutoring
- Help on completing school work and extra practice before school assessments
- Regular progress feedback sharing with parents
- Customized math tutoring program as per student skill level
- Follow Ontario Math Curriculum with instructions from OCT certified teachers
- Overall academic achievement

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